Monday, June 24, 2013

What is a routine?

Routine - a : a regular course of procedure; b : habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure (Webster Dictionary)

It seems like since I got back from vacation, I've had a hard time establishing a routine for my evenings.  For the majority of the year, I had a very established routine - get up, pack a lunch, go to work, study during lunch, come home, fix something very quick for dinner, study, bed, and repeat.  Since I'm now DONE with studying (yay!!! Sometimes it still doesn't feel real), there are SO many things that I want to do that I simply haven't had the time to do before.  

I want to work on my photography.
I want to write a blog that maybe inspires people, or gives them a laugh, or makes people feel like they know me (everything that I get from some of the wonderful blogs that I've discovered and read on a regular basis).
I want to hang out with my friends and spend time with my family.
I want to have time to read great books.  I used to spend my summers reading all day, everyday.  I miss just having that kind of time to read.  
I want to do crafts.  I bought a sewing machine in October and have yet to use it.
I want to get on track for a healthier lifestyle - including eating better more consistently and working out.

I'm a pretty organized person, so having a routine seems to be what motivates me to get stuff done.  When I was in public accounting, that was a stringent routine and during my last busy season, I was so focused on my routine of working and tracking calories for every meal that I lost 10 pounds (ok, maybe the stress of working 80 hour weeks might have contributed to that a little, but I still have never tracked my calories so religiously as that time in my life).  

I'm not saying that every minute of my day has to be planned, and I welcome the unexpected (most of the time).  I just want to be able to establish some kind of routine where I can make time for all of the above "want to's".  

To help get my blogging in order after the Blog Every Day in May challenge, I started looking for cutesy blog planners that had elements that I wanted to use in my planning.  I found several that had pieces of what I wanted, but not one that had everything I wanted.  So I did what any A-type personality planner would do and made my own using Microsoft Publisher.  I downloaded some adorable fonts and made some pretty sweet tables and came up with a decent blog planner.  I wish I was more of a graphic designer to make it look not so plain, but alas, I chose the accounting route, which almost couldn't be further away from a graphic designer's personality.  

Anyway - back to a routine.  Ah, yes.  I made the blog planner to help me plan my blog posts, the goals I have for my blog, projects I want to include in my blog, and tracking my readership.  This worked out really well for all of my vacation posts since I could jot down how I wanted to group my photos and then what the topic for each post would be.  I feel like the writing was lacking, maybe because I was hoping the pictures would be worth more words than I could put here to describe the trip.

And then this past week happened.  I ran out of topics from vacation.  Even though I had some other ideas written out, I didn't follow through with the planning of the actual posts, and then things kept coming up and I just didn't get around to writing anything.  But now that things are maybe settling down, I can get into some kind of routine that will work for me and my schedule.   Maybe its a rotating schedule.  I guess we'll find out :)

And since I don't have a picture for this post yet - here's a cute one of my nephew from Father's day:

How cute is he?  :)

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