I spent the majority of this past weekend in my hometown with my family. My brother took on the project of building a house for his family. And when I say he's building a house, he is literally building a house, from the ground up, with the help of family and a number of family friends. It's all amazing to think about how many people care so much about my brother and his family that they are donating their time and expertise to help him build this house that his kids will grow up in, knowing that their dad put everything into this house for well over a year. I got to help with some staining mainly. The house is coming together beautifully - and to think it used to be just a wheat field.
I didn't take my camera with me on Saturday, but I did snap a few pictures on Sunday. There's something therapeutic about going back to the farm and seeing miles and miles of pasture and crops and hay bales. It's just so peaceful - no steady hum of traffic, no city lights for the stars to compete with - just the sound of the wind rustling through the grass and wheat field.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Blogging with a Purpose - Week 1
It's amazing if you stop and think about how many blogs exist where people like me, just decide they want to write and/or take pictures, and then share parts of their lives with complete strangers. Gradually, these people become acquaintances, and maybe even friends down the road. But there are just so many that you can pick to read and follow. I've stumbled across some really great blogs with really talented writers and story tellers and photographers. And sadly, I don't always remember how I find them.....
But I found one last week by Becky at From Mrs to Mama. I read through some of her most recent posts, and was interested when I saw the title "Blogging with a Purpose." Sometimes, I feel like I have a purpose in blogging, other times - not so much. So, I think I'm going to do this weekly post for Blogging with Purpose. You can find the first part of the topic list here, and you can also see that I'm a week behind. I figured that would give me something extra to write about this week :)
But I found one last week by Becky at From Mrs to Mama. I read through some of her most recent posts, and was interested when I saw the title "Blogging with a Purpose." Sometimes, I feel like I have a purpose in blogging, other times - not so much. So, I think I'm going to do this weekly post for Blogging with Purpose. You can find the first part of the topic list here, and you can also see that I'm a week behind. I figured that would give me something extra to write about this week :)

Week 1 - Who I Am
Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Friend. Girlfriend. Dog lover.
Auditor. Aspiring photographer. Blogger.
What is a routine?
It seems like since I got back from vacation, I've had a hard time establishing a routine for my evenings. For the majority of the year, I had a very established routine - get up, pack a lunch, go to work, study during lunch, come home, fix something very quick for dinner, study, bed, and repeat. Since I'm now DONE with studying (yay!!! Sometimes it still doesn't feel real), there are SO many things that I want to do that I simply haven't had the time to do before.
I want to work on my photography.
I want to write a blog that maybe inspires people, or gives them a laugh, or makes people feel like they know me (everything that I get from some of the wonderful blogs that I've discovered and read on a regular basis).
I want to hang out with my friends and spend time with my family.
I want to have time to read great books. I used to spend my summers reading all day, everyday. I miss just having that kind of time to read.
I want to do crafts. I bought a sewing machine in October and have yet to use it.
I want to get on track for a healthier lifestyle - including eating better more consistently and working out.
I'm a pretty organized person, so having a routine seems to be what motivates me to get stuff done. When I was in public accounting, that was a stringent routine and during my last busy season, I was so focused on my routine of working and tracking calories for every meal that I lost 10 pounds (ok, maybe the stress of working 80 hour weeks might have contributed to that a little, but I still have never tracked my calories so religiously as that time in my life).
I'm not saying that every minute of my day has to be planned, and I welcome the unexpected (most of the time). I just want to be able to establish some kind of routine where I can make time for all of the above "want to's".
To help get my blogging in order after the Blog Every Day in May challenge, I started looking for cutesy blog planners that had elements that I wanted to use in my planning. I found several that had pieces of what I wanted, but not one that had everything I wanted. So I did what any A-type personality planner would do and made my own using Microsoft Publisher. I downloaded some adorable fonts and made some pretty sweet tables and came up with a decent blog planner. I wish I was more of a graphic designer to make it look not so plain, but alas, I chose the accounting route, which almost couldn't be further away from a graphic designer's personality.
Anyway - back to a routine. Ah, yes. I made the blog planner to help me plan my blog posts, the goals I have for my blog, projects I want to include in my blog, and tracking my readership. This worked out really well for all of my vacation posts since I could jot down how I wanted to group my photos and then what the topic for each post would be. I feel like the writing was lacking, maybe because I was hoping the pictures would be worth more words than I could put here to describe the trip.
And then this past week happened. I ran out of topics from vacation. Even though I had some other ideas written out, I didn't follow through with the planning of the actual posts, and then things kept coming up and I just didn't get around to writing anything. But now that things are maybe settling down, I can get into some kind of routine that will work for me and my schedule. Maybe its a rotating schedule. I guess we'll find out :)
And since I don't have a picture for this post yet - here's a cute one of my nephew from Father's day:
How cute is he? :) |
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thoughts for Thursday
1) It's almost Friday!! Yay! I always love when it gets close to Fridays :)
2) I'm sad I haven't had much time to blog this week. I have some pretty good {or at least I hope you think so} ideas for coming blogs, so I'll get to work on those so I can share them!
3) Tonight is my first ever time to see The Lion King as a live performance!! They've come to Tulsa several times that I can remember, but this is the first time I'm actually going! So excited!!
4) I love Jeans Weeks. My company uses jeans stickers as fundraisers for events happening in the community. This week, the money went towards Relay for Life. I enjoy contributing to a good cause, and especially love getting to wear jeans all week to work!
5) I started doing the P90x workout with J this week. I'm still alive, so that's a good thing :) I've been considerably more sore doing this than my usual Jillian Michaels workouts....J tells me that its a good thing to be sore from working out.....I'm saying the verdict is still out ;)
6) I made some pineapple whip last night - and it was yummy. The ingredients couldn't be simpler (frozen pineapple chunks, almond milk, and optional honey), and the recipe couldn't be easier to make (toss them all in the blender or food processor and viola!). My only recommendation is to beware of using a food processor since mine leaked a little bit of the almond milk. I think I'll try the blender next time. Either way - I highly recommend this dessert! It's so perfect for summer :)
2) I'm sad I haven't had much time to blog this week. I have some pretty good {or at least I hope you think so} ideas for coming blogs, so I'll get to work on those so I can share them!
3) Tonight is my first ever time to see The Lion King as a live performance!! They've come to Tulsa several times that I can remember, but this is the first time I'm actually going! So excited!!
4) I love Jeans Weeks. My company uses jeans stickers as fundraisers for events happening in the community. This week, the money went towards Relay for Life. I enjoy contributing to a good cause, and especially love getting to wear jeans all week to work!
5) I started doing the P90x workout with J this week. I'm still alive, so that's a good thing :) I've been considerably more sore doing this than my usual Jillian Michaels workouts....J tells me that its a good thing to be sore from working out.....I'm saying the verdict is still out ;)
6) I made some pineapple whip last night - and it was yummy. The ingredients couldn't be simpler (frozen pineapple chunks, almond milk, and optional honey), and the recipe couldn't be easier to make (toss them all in the blender or food processor and viola!). My only recommendation is to beware of using a food processor since mine leaked a little bit of the almond milk. I think I'll try the blender next time. Either way - I highly recommend this dessert! It's so perfect for summer :)
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You can find the recipe here |
7) J has been watching Game of Thrones as well as reading the books. He's entirely caught up on the show and wanted to start from the beginning again. After wanting to watch the first episode all this week, we finally got to sit down last night and watch it. I might just jump on the bandwagon yet!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Happy Birthday Addie!!!
Today is my sweet Golden's birthday!!!
I didn't have her as a puppy, but I'm so thankful she's in my life now! I can't imagine not coming home to her on a daily basis. She's the sweetest dog in the world - always ready for some love, always wanting to be around her humans, and always excited to see us.
I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to adopt her from a family that didn't want to take care of her anymore. It breaks my heart to see the look on her face when I leave for work in the morning - its just so sad. I think that she got left alone a lot in her other home with just an old crotchety chihuahua to keep her company. Now, she has a fun playmate in Amelia, and they are best friends :)
I didn't have her as a puppy, but I'm so thankful she's in my life now! I can't imagine not coming home to her on a daily basis. She's the sweetest dog in the world - always ready for some love, always wanting to be around her humans, and always excited to see us.
I'm so thankful that I had the opportunity to adopt her from a family that didn't want to take care of her anymore. It breaks my heart to see the look on her face when I leave for work in the morning - its just so sad. I think that she got left alone a lot in her other home with just an old crotchety chihuahua to keep her company. Now, she has a fun playmate in Amelia, and they are best friends :)
Happy Birthday Addie!!!
Monday, June 17, 2013
DIY - Vacation Momentos
If you're like me, you like to bring stuff home from trips. I tend to save almost every stinking little thing - from boarding passes to the little luggage stickers. Do I do anything with those? Let's just say I have good intentions!! I do like to dream about projects for the more fun stuff you find on vacations - like sand and seashells.
My first project was a photo box that I found on Pinterest:
My first project was a photo box that I found on Pinterest:
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Image Source |
My supplies - I got the glass block from Hobby Lobby ($6 after the 40% off coupon); shells and sand from Mexico :)
And viola!! The finished project. I played around with how I wanted to put the shells in it, and opted for the simple big shell with a candle in it. But I have options for when I want to switch out the shells. This one couldn't have been easier!!
I got a Cricut for Christmas, and the main reason I wanted it was to be able to do all the fun vinyl projects that are floating around Pinterest. So, I already had the transfer tape, and I bought some white vinyl.
I cut out the letters and put the transfer tape on them and centered it on the block towards the bottom where the sand would be, and would allow for the picture that I wanted to put in it. There was something about the vinyl that I bought that made it extremely difficult to get all of it off my Cricut cutting mat. It just took a little extra time and effort - otherwise this project could have been done in about half an hour total.
Then I started putting the sand in the block. You can kinda see how clumpy the sand is, which I think adds to the character of this project. I also put a few shells on top of the sand. I put in enough that you could see the letters over the sand, and still would have more for the other projects I wanted to do :)
I picked out a few pictures from the trip to print off, and then realized that my block was considerably smaller than a 4x6 picture. So that helped me pick out which picture I could put in it - whichever would be easy to trim and still look good.
And here's the final product!!
I love how simple and inexpensive it was to make (when you factor in that I already had the transfer tape and got to use the 40% off coupon for the vinyl and block), and I'll get to enjoy it on a daily basis :)
Project 2
I loved this globe with sand and shells and a candle that the hotel had sitting out, so I decided that I would make one when I got home :)
Again, I bought my globe at Hobby Lobby (it's semi dangerous that I live only 2 miles away haha!). J picked up some shells in the ocean that seemed to have been recently vacated by the wildlife. When I pulled them out of the plastic bag they traveled home in, they still smelled fishy and had some lovely algae or something growing on them. I soaked them in a 50/50 water/bleach mixture for a while and then scrubbed them with a toothbrush and they came out looking pretty good.
And viola!! The finished project. I played around with how I wanted to put the shells in it, and opted for the simple big shell with a candle in it. But I have options for when I want to switch out the shells. This one couldn't have been easier!!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Father's Day!
I wanted to wish my Dad a very Happy Father's Day!
He's one of the most hard-working men that I know, and I've learned more from him that he'll ever know! He's always been there for me - and I consider myself lucky to have such a great dad.
I also wanted to wish my brother a Happy 1st Father's Day!!! He's got one of the best role models I can imagine, so I know he'll be a wonderful father.
Holbox Vacation - the last part
It was bittersweet to start thinking about heading home. We'd had such a good time all week, but there were definitely things about home that I missed:
You can read more about our Holbox Vacation here:
- Showers - the shower was at least fresh water and not salty, but the water pressure left a lot to be desired. The temperatures were very fickle - it took what felt like 10 minutes for the water to get hot, and then it was too hot, and took about 5 minutes to cool back down to a reasonable temperature. And then the water pressure....a shower took double the time than normal, and you still didn't feel like you'd washed and rinsed off all 5 layers of sunscreen, 3 layers of bug spray, the saltwater residue, and the sand.
- Bug levels - yes, there can be a lot of bugs here in Oklahoma, but NOTHING like the ones we had down in Mexico. Hence the 3+ layers of bug spray, and it was usually more on the plus side. The bugs even got so fierce that they were going for our eye lids because they didn't have bug spray on them!
- Consistent air conditioning - We at least had an air unit that we could turn on at night, but it took quite a while for it to cool down to a temperature that was comfortable enough to sleep with.
- Addie and Amelia - the two dogs on the hotel property made me miss my two sweet puppies....so I'm glad to be back home :)
I know that I've shared several pictures with you, but I've saved a few of my favorites for this last post - some of the pictures that capture some of my favorite things about my vacation.
We loved the hammocks so much, that we bought one while in Mexico. Can't wait to try it out!!
The clouds here are real - there's no way I could have made those up. It was a breathtaking sight and the light reflected off the clouds was illuminating the island.
The sunsets were so peaceful. The ones in Oklahoma are beautiful at times, but I'd never seen any as beautiful as here.
The sand at Holbox Island was full of shells and we saw several little things in the sand, so I decided to make one too :)
Our last sunset on the island.....again, so peaceful.
Me & J waiting for the taxi before we left. I think I finally got the hang of taking pictures backwards with my dSLR :)
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Holbox Vacation, Part V
The day before we left, we took an island tour with another couple visiting the hotel. We found out about the tour from yet another couple that was visiting and it sounded very interesting.
Our boat wasn't very big, especially given the size of the waves we went through. Yes, went through. And since I had just finished reading Life of Pi, I was a little nervous about being in a boat haha! As soon as we got on the boat, I was looking for life jackets, and didn't see any. I'm sure there were some - but they were not in plain sight. Thankfully, we didn't need them :)
So back to the tour. Our first visit was Passion Island - where the flamingos and pelicans (both local Mexican and Canadian) lived. (I wish I had taken my better zoom lens...but hopefully you can still get the idea...)
On our way down the docks to the boat, with the couple from the hotel. It was nice to be able to go on this tour with people we somewhat knew, and most importantly, we could speak in English with them :)
We drove out into the lagoon, dodging sandbars, and this was what we got to see. The flamingos living with the pelicans in a shallow area of the lagoon.
Cheese!!! :)
This is the cenote, or natural spring, that we got to swim in after we left Passion Island. The water is a beautiful blue color, and if you look in the middle of the photo you can kinda see where it bubbles up from the bottom. The word to use is "refreshing" when you jump in - that is, if you can catch your breath. I might have had a minor panic attack after jumping in, in addition to the coolness of the water taking my breath away. Needless to say, I was the last one in and the second one out. (I made J go ahead of me to see how slimy the ladder would be on the way out ha!)
There was a neat tower that overlooked the cenote on one side and the country side on the other. Our first thoughts were that it looked like the Serengeti.
This is the dock as we're leaving. Kinda eerie looking island, right? It made our friends think of the movie A Perfect Getaway or the flesh-eating island in Life of Pi. I'm glad they didn't mention that until we were on our way out of there!
We went back to Passion Island and actually got out of the boat this time. The Captain had some tortillas that he threw out to what seemed like an open space, but then all of those iguanas came out of nowhere for their tortillas. Watching them run to the food was fairly entertaining because they run bow-legged. :)
Just a view of the birds from the top of the tower on the island.
This is a horse shoe crab. Very interesting creatures and we'd never seen one before. Our Captain just pulled it out of the sand by its tail.
It didn't appear to have any pincers like the other crabs we'd seen, and the Captain just put his hand right in there. Both of the guys did the same. I touched his nose on the outershell, but that was as close as I'd get to the thing.
The Banana Boat (pun intended haha)
After we finished at Passion Island, the Captain drove us around Holbox Island on the north side, which opens into the Gulf and the Caribbean. These birds were just out flying, enjoying the sunshine.
It was a beautiful ride - and I really wish my camera could have accurately captured the colors of the water. They really were breathtaking.
You can read more about our Holbox Vacation here:
Friday, June 14, 2013
Holbox Vacation, part IV
There was something about this vacation that made me want to capture some of the smaller details. Maybe it was the fact that I absolutely fell in love with this place, or the fact I'm starting to really enjoy photography :) Either way, there were a lot of pictures I want to share, so I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do!
You can read more about our Holbox Vacation here:
This is the sign from the first little restaurant |
Both outside lights and the sink were similar patterns - I love how everything was so colorful here |
This was hanging on our balcony - just a neat little coconut I guess |
A seashell windchime outside our window - it actually made a beautiful sound |
I forgot my charging cord for my e-reader, so I found this book in my room (one of the few books on the place that were in English :) ) |
This little guy was guarding the pool |
The "welcome" sign above the kitchen |
You can read more about our Holbox Vacation here:
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