Monday, May 27, 2013

What does "every day" really mean??

Here's a quick recap of the Blog challenge topics I've missed:

Day 23: Things that I didn't learn in school
* Always get renter's insurance (learned this the hard way, folks)
* Office politics can be worse than the politics from high school, college, and a sorority combined
* Baked goods are almost always a hit at work

My parents with me at my TU Graduation

Day 24 - Top 3 worst traits
* I tend to be indecisive
* I can be fidgety when I'm nervous
* I don't try as many new things as I should

Me driving a manual car in Mexico last year - one new thing I did try :)

Day 25 - Something someone told me that I'll never forget
As a business major in college, we were required to take a Writing for the Professions class.  As the final project, we had to write a paper (and as I'm writing this post I can't remember what the topic was....oops!). Throughout our drafts of the paper, we had individual meetings with the professor for any critiques or suggestions on what to do for the next draft or the final version.  I remember vividly my trip to the building on campus because it wasn't one that I went into often.  I had to wait in the hall for my professor, and I remember his office feeling out of date (maybe it was all the old books on his shelves).  He was discussing my paper with me and said that I had a very distinct writing style.  I don't know why this has been something that's stayed with me through these years as I didn't think my writing was anything special.  But, here I am writing out my thoughts, hopefully in my distinct style :)

Day 26 - Something I read online
I read some very happy news online this week - I PASSED THE LAST PART OF THE CPA!!!! (You can read more about my struggle with the CPA exam here.)  What a sigh of relief!  

My first celebratory bottle of wine (second was the next day haha!)

Day 27 - A letter to my readers
Dear readers,

Thank you for being patient with me.  I haven't been blogging for a whole month yet, and have changed blog designs at least 3 times.  I think I've found one that I like, so I'll try to stop changing things up for you.  I also appreciate that you've been letting me get by without consistent blog posts through the Blog Everyday in May Challenge.  I at least got you caught up on all the posts that I've missed!  I'm still learning about this whole blog thing, so thank you for sticking around!!!

And with that - I'm all caught up!! Yay!  Just a few more days this month - where has May gone?!

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